Please bare with me everyone, I got back from Lexington and caught a nasty lil bug. I am bouncing back now and hopefully will be back to 100%. I am preparing for the next discussion group March 1st. I have had a request to set up skype, so if anyone else would like to join in, please let me know. We are going to talk about Fear. look up some scriptures that talk about fear and we'll discuss them. Think about how much of a roll fear plays in your life and how it has helped you or harmed you. Is there a such thing as "good fear" and "bad fear". This is a discussion group and we will look at scriptures to help us and guide us as we reach new levels in our spirituality. I encourage you to invite someone to the group the more people we have the greater reward we will gain from learning and teaching each other. God Bless
Nuggets of faith to encourage and inspire you to overcome your obstacles to live your best life.