Today I read the prayer of Jabez 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 and also watched Jentezen Franklin I just got back from a much deserved 2 week vacation and I am so glad to have a home to come back to! I have had moments of re-evaluation through out this trip and I must confess that I have come away with more "to dos" than "have dones" on this trip. I certainly have a lot of work to do, but the one thing that I know is it's going to take a lot of faith. More faith than I realized. And to top it all off, the first sermon that I hear when I come back is on the prayer of Jabez. Just reading the prayer made me feel unworthy. I know God wants to bless me, but I feel unworthy to ask him. I know that he will open up doors for me to travel and deliver his word, I just don't know how, and I feel awkward asking him to bless me and enlarger my territory, I am not looking to be rich and famous, I just want to influence peoples lives through my testimony, and the wo...
Nuggets of faith to encourage and inspire you to overcome your obstacles to live your best life.