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Showing posts from December 16, 2018

I am officially a published Author

I  know it has been a minute, but it appears that God's timing has come to past.  I am so happy to announce that I completed my first book "Against All Odds" and it was published by Covenant Books this past November.  Those of you who know me, know that I have been trying to write this book for years.  I realized that I was allowing fear to keep me from accomplishing what God had called me to do.  Fear is a powerful state of mind and it is amazing how much fear keeps us from changing the world, our communities and our families. It took some coaching and counseling to get me through the book writing process and a lot of encouragement and discipline.  So many of us set lofty goals or have such big dreams about things we want to accomplish, but how many of us truly count up the cost (i.e sacrifice) of what it will take to make that dream a reality.  You may have to sacrifice time from family.  You will have to say no to things that you want to do...