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We Must Be Spiritually Woke

I had the honor and privilege to speak at my very first youth conference and believe me when I tell you I have never felt so relevant to young people than I did that day.  It reminded me that just because I am 42, I still had a lot to offer young people and they were eager to listen.  

I usually shy away from middle school and teens because they get on my last nerve, and they trigger me in many ways, because of my childhood dealing with sexual abuse and being a teen mom.  I think they remind me of the time I did not have the luxury to be just a kid.  So when I see them doing and making stupid kid decisions, I can't handle it.  Notice I said "kid decisions".  That's what they get to do, and it's perfectly acceptable, but for me, I just cannot deal, call me a hater.  I'm okay with

Speaking to these young adults inspired me more, because they have some adult experiences that I can easily relate and get to them on their level.  However, it's still rather hard at times to figure out how to do that, especially in this day and age.  In society it takes being present and being woke, if you want to keep young people listening to you.  Man, does it take a lot of work, but in the end if you can inspire young people to step up their spiritual well being, it is worth it.

One of the challenges we have with our young adults is their journey to finding themselves as they develop their identity.  Especially when there are so many influences fighting to be the main focus of their identity.  I don't have a masters in sociology but if doesn't take much education to look around and see that the struggle is real for our young people. Actually all you have to do is stop and think about when you were in your 20's and all the things you did to find your identity - then multiply that by like 10.

I basically grew up around church from a young age.  My identity was the church.  I was a church girl, I knew all the protocols of church and what was expected of me and so I focused a lot of my identity on the acceptance of church folks even though I really didn't have a solid relationship with Jesus.  As I grew older, I grew more and more disconnected from who I felt I was becoming versus who the church said I should be.  I equated the acceptance of the church to Christ's acceptance of me and that became the fracture leading me away from my spirituality.  

The key factor in being disconnected from my spirituality was the fact that I did not have a full understanding that God created me just the way he wanted.  I was not aware that Psalms 139:13-16 existed and it was speaking about me.

For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.

It took years of living out my own truth without any spiritual input whatsoever that I realized that my life was better with Christ in it. Living my own truth was enlightening as I realized that I was make a complete mess of the life that was gifted to me. God saw fit to give me a second chance to get myself together, but I could only do that by accepting Jesus into my life and living a life of forgiveness and abundance.  I can't remember very many mentors or people that really poured into me during this time.  I was pretty much focused strictly on the Holy Spirit to led me through my journey back to my spiritual identity.  After years of walking in Christ I am confident that I am stronger than ever and spiritually woke. I do feel that I would have been much further along if I had someone who could have come alongside me to help me in a more tangible way.  

I feel that our young people, need spiritual guidance in their lives now, more than ever.  The right kind of guidance, not this foolishness that society is dishing out.  If you haven't been under a rock, you know that there is a post modern philosophy what seems to have been embraced in the last decade.  People are encouraged to "live their own truth".  I get that we all must be "real", but the devil is using this philosophy to lure people away from the truth of Christ and his redemptive power in our lives and has enticed young people to believe in all different beliefs and religions.  For Christians, living in a pluralistic society, it is easy to be labeled closed minded or even a hater for not accepting the concept that people can have a relationship with Christ, and with other gods, and have the authority to move in and out of what they seem convenient for them at any given situation.  

But there is a temptation to conform to this philosophy, and become less and less the influencers and increasingly more influenced by what society is saying is acceptable.  A PEW Research showed that there has been an 8% drop in the amount of those calling themselves Christians - from 78% down to 70% and out of the 78% only 41% actually rely on their religious beliefs for guidance in their everyday lives.  This survey suggests that the attractiveness of Christianity is slowly fading in today's society.  But I want to encourage you, there is a way to live your life in this pluralistic society without losing your influence and in fact shed light on how awesome our God is and that He wants everyone to experience His love.  

First, you must know who you are and that you have purpose and influence right in your own circle of life.  God knows what you are up against and He is looking to use you to show forth his excellence!  

I know the new thing these days is the concept of being "woke", or being conscious of racial discrimination in society and other forms of oppression and injustice in society.  But I think we can take this deeper for believers.   

 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

In I Peter 2:9, we have been described as a chosen generation, holy nation, royal priesthood, people who have been called out of darkness into His marvelous light.  Because we have been chosen, set apart, a people who have been called out of darkness into his marvelous light, need I say that if anyone should be truly "woke", it should be the people of God!   We should always be alert and watchmen of all things spiritually and socially broken.  The devil is out to destroy anyone who is not woke to his devices.  He definitely does not want young people to realize their identity and walk in the power and influence of the Holy Spirit.  He is trying to choke out their identity and power of influence.  

We must be conscious of all injustice and oppression being carried out in our everyday lives.  However, is is equally and even more imperative that we understand that we need to be alert to the ideas, and distractions, being fed to us through social media, the news, social groups, politics and the ever present human disease of sin that is trying to destroy your spiritual relationship with Christ.

Secondly, as I said before, you can be a power of influence to those around you by declaring the excellency of our Lord Jesus Christ and showing forth his goodness in your life.  If you don't do anything else, just focus on loving others and allowing yourself to be that light to those that need someone in their lives to be there for them.  The devil is after our young people and he is using all sorts of ways to keep them from knowing who Christ is.  God has much work for us to do, can we stay woke and take action when needed.  I posted an article from U.S. News that did some research on suicide rates among black teens.  The study shows suicide deaths among black females aged 13 to 19 rose 182% between 2001 and 2017, while the rate among black teen males rose 60% during the same time.  

The methods most used for these suicides are the two most lethal methods... guns and strangulation.   The thing is, most of them don't really want to die, it is a cry for help.  The problem is, they are using the most lethal form of a way to get help, unfortunately most don't survive.  This epidemic is claiming our young people.  As believers, we must reach the hurting and lost and bring them to the knowledge of Jesus Christ and God's love for them.  Now is not the time to sleep, now is not the time to be lured into laziness.  We must stay woke, there is danger looming, don't be fooled by what society is pushing out, God is calling you to be watchmen over this earth, it's time to wake up!


Novica Olinger


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