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Showing posts from 2011
I will am scheduled to attend the Spirit of Deborah Conference again!  Those of you who went last year know it was a great conference with some anointed women of God!  I hope you all can save the date- January 28, 2012 where we will do it all over again.  This conference is coordinated by Dr. Niama Johnston Bush.  Please take a minute to stop by her blog page or look her up on she is a gifted women of God and very accomplished psalmist and writer and a dear friend. More info to come on the location and time of conference.  God Bless
Today I read the prayer of Jabez 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 and also watched Jentezen Franklin I just got back from a much deserved 2 week vacation and I am so glad to have a home to come back to! I have had moments of re-evaluation through out this trip and I must confess that I have come away with more "to dos" than  "have dones" on this trip.  I certainly have a lot of work to do, but the one thing that I know is it's going to take a lot of faith.  More faith than I realized.  And to top it all off, the first sermon that I hear when I come back is on the prayer of Jabez.  Just reading the prayer made me feel unworthy.  I know God wants to bless me, but I feel unworthy to ask him. I know that he will open up doors for me to travel and deliver his word, I just don't know how, and I feel awkward asking him to bless me and enlarger my territory,  I am not looking to be rich and famous, I just want to influence peoples lives through my testimony, and the wo...

Setting Priorities

The title says it all!  You can make a list of things right now that you do and probably cross off 3/4 of it as unnecessary clutter that keeps you from doing the few things God called you to do well. We had our Nuggets of Faith Women's group this past Tuesday and we discussed setting priorities.  first off the Bible tells us to "love the Lord your God with all your heart ans with all your soul and with all your strength"   Deuteronomy 6:5 God is supposed to come first, all of our heart, soul, and strength should be committed to loving God, making him the first priority, the first one we consult.  The Bible also states, " Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and every thing else will be added"   Matthew 6:33 Most of the time we are busy trying to make a good life for ourselves and neglect our relationship with our Father.  Setting priorities means that we don't have to work ourselves into total insanity, the simple formula? Seek G...

a new interpretation

This past week I attended the 87th annual HYPU convention.  Every year I have attended this event, it is always the same as any other conference or assembly we have always had.  Not much room is really given to the young people.  I mean we sing the same songs and don't incorporate anything new.  A refreshing moment was when two young people stood up during testimony service and sang Kirk Franklin's song "Smile" but even then the support was vague.  I would love to see the National board support a week long HYPU camp for our young people.  With workshops, concerts and services  that address the issues of young Christians today.  I am sure that there are things in the works, it's just that change is long overdue.  Anyhoo, The word was good and my favorite was Pastor Michael McCreary he did an awesome job!  Dr. Cummings showed us a few things and I got his message. However, sometimes I feel like preachers don't think they preached well unle...

Catching up!

Hey everyone! My how I've missed my blog page!  I am sorry I haven't put a single post on here in May, but I was taking my last class before graduating and I needed total concentration on the task at hand.  Not that ministry ever stopped as those of you know me and were either at the small group back in May or at Church service on Sunday.  I am still about my Father's business and I have finished class with an A and I an now done with school completely!  How about all this rain!  WOW! It is scary to see so much devastation going on from the weather, my heart and prayers go out to all who have been  affected.  One more sign that let's us know that Jesus will be coming for his church and I don't know about you, but I don't want to be all lip service, but I  want my walk to stand before me when Jesus comes back.  I will post the next Nuggets of Faith small group meeting time and place shortly, but I just wanted to say I'VE MISSED YOU!...

Forgeting the Past

Hello everyone! I have just posted a new video blog on the Church of God MPGT community facebook page.  Go over there and check it out.  Once I get really good at posting and keeping my videos under 10 mins I will be posting them to You tube and sharing them to this page.  I wanted to encourage you all to press toward the mark.  Philippians 3:13-14 Paul writes to the Philippian church:  "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended:  but this one thing I do, Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Paul knew how he persecuted the Church he was quite aware of his faults and mistakes, however, because he was sure of the new creature he was in Christ, having a greater purpose in spreading the Gospel, he did not let his past keep him from doing what God called for him to do.  We too cannot let guilt from past mist...

Women's Group tonight

I am preparing for the women's group tonight but I didn't want you to think that I forgot about my bloggies. The discussion topic is : living a spirit filled life I am going to post the worksheet I composed for this session and you can view, save and print it off if you find it useful.  I will also do a video blog and make it accessible (hopefully) on this page...pray for me!  lol Anyways, sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, but believe me when I say God is good and he is always on time when it comes to meeting our needs.  God Bless and I love you guys.

A changed life

I just finished up studying with my husband, who was preparing to teach the Sunday School lesson.  The lesson subject is "Living a changed life".  It was coming out of Romans 6:1-13 and 22,23.  But I wanted to read the chapters leading up to chapter 6, so as I was going throught he chapters, two verses that stood out to me were from Chapter 1: 16-17.  Paul declares "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then for the Gentile. 17 For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith. Just as it is written, "The righteous will live by faith." This scripture spoke to me, we as believers and followers of Christ, should never be ashamed of such a powerful gospel.  This gospel holds the power for us to be saved.  But this is only true to those that have faith in the gospel of grace.  Grace is Gods power to help us to live a righteous life, i...

Discussion group topic: The dynamics of fear

Hey Bloggies! I am getting prepared for our next discussion group which will be held at my home March 1st @ 6pm. Those of you that are planning to attend, just bring your bibles and any journaling that pertains to our topic. Here are some scriptures to look at and questions to ponder. Read:  For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love,   and   of a sound mind. ~ 2 Timothy 1:7 Questions:    What is fear? Who gives fear? How do we battle fear?                               Read:  Matthew 14:25, 28-31 Question: Fear can keep you from...?                               Read:  James 1:6-8 Question:    I...


Please bare with me everyone, I got back from Lexington and caught a nasty lil bug.  I am bouncing back now and hopefully will be back to 100%.  I am preparing for the next discussion group March 1st.  I have had a request to set up skype, so if anyone else would like to join in, please let me know.  We are going to talk about Fear. look up some scriptures that talk about fear and we'll discuss them.  Think about how much of a roll fear plays in your life and how it has helped you or harmed you.  Is there a such thing as "good fear" and "bad fear".  This is a discussion group and we will look at scriptures to help us and guide us as we reach new levels in our spirituality.  I encourage you to invite someone to the group the more people we have the greater reward we will gain from learning and teaching each other. God Bless

2011 Men and Women Conference Lexington,KY

So we are here at the Conference here in Downtown Lexington, KY.  I must say that I was looking forward to this conference.  So many years of going to conferences and national meetings, it was a hard press to do so, but through the development of relationships, each year becomes more and more joyous.  This year has been a wonderful blessing.  I have developed really great friendships and have seen my single friends find love.  It is so awesome to see history unfold with the ones you hold dear to your heart.  On top of that, when the preached word came forth by Elder Hollis, it uplifted my spirit, and catapulted me to another level of accountability in Christ, "not on my watch"!  Then a reminder that we need to let go of the past, stop living in hurt and shame, stop rehearsing the situation, but get over it and be made whole, because "After this"  comes my breakthrough, comes my next level, comes my abundant life.  Whew! The men's day bro...
Finished "Purpose Driven Life", Yes, we did it! With everything happening, I have an even greater desire to live out my purpose on this earth. All glory to God!
Random So I started out with good intentions to workout this morning...and ended up working on my blog. Well now I can update my blog from my phone! Lol


Wow! I was talking to one of my lil sis' this morning.  She was telling me about how proud of me she was.  I giggled and said "what do you mean?"  She began to explain to me how I have grown in my relationships and in my personality.  It was confirmation to me because I understood exactly what she was saying.  I before I used to act like someone who did not know how to love and accept others fully.  I was very short and always reserved. Always seemed busy and didn't talk to others about their situations. But I have been going through a love transformation in the past year. Through discovering Jesus' love for me I am now truly able to love others fully and walk in confidence in who I am. I see people differently, I want to speak life into their situations and I don't have to let fear stop me.  I am loving the person that God is shaping me to be.   My fellow Blogger Naima has a great saying she put...

NoF Women's Bible Study

The first NoF Women's bible study will be held this Tuesday Feb 1st @ 6p on the South side. The bible study will be held the first Tuesday of every month.  We will also schedule once a month on a Friday to hang out and do different things like cooking, learning how to knit, do some scrap booking...etc. Come hang out with us, If you would like the schedule and locations, send me an email to: . Blessings,

Spirit of Deborah Conference

The Spirit of Deborah Conference was definitely a good stewardship of my time!  I attended a workshop this morning talking about Beginning Again in your ministry...Psalmist Julia was great and I learned some things that I plan on implementing in my daily life song.  Evangelist Freda....OMG! She was a powerhouse, she hit the pulpit running and and the context was amazing.  I was encouraged by her testimonies of he Prison Ministry and she is very Genuine and anointed...and did I say Passionate!  God moved in a mighty way in my workshop,  Anyone who would like a copy of the CD or DVD you can go to : .  I did go over my time, and I am sure my Bishop would have scolded me if he were there but I do thank Naima for being gracious.  I had a ball and Naima is a comedian, she will have you rolling on the floor!  What a great day.  Nuggets of Faith Ministries will be holding it's monthly women's bible study this Tu...

Growth has it's pains

Have you ever seen someone so anointed that you would often times say..."Man! I want to be like so and so",  Well this isn't a revelation for me, but for some of you who have said that and maybe even are modeling your ministry or life in general off of someone that you admire...You have no idea what they have gone through to get to where they are!  I have experienced a new level of anointing and I tell you, it's lonely and people misunderstand you a lot.  I see things so much more spiritually than before and so there are things that totally vexes my spirit, but others around me don't see what I see and wonder why I'm not laughing or why I am not in  the conversations.  It's because I am waiting on what I need to do next for God. I don't want my life to be filled with meaningless carnal filters, but I am on a mission to see souls delivered.  This past Sunday Bishop said to check your temperature...are you hot or cold or just lukewarm?  I ...

Open Doors!

"I know your works.  See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you who have little strength, have kept my word, and have not denied my name." Rev 3:8 God never forgets the works that we do!  I can remember countless hours of standing on my feet ushering, or many miles traveled to support other ministries. I remember numerous Sundays being in the office completing business. So much labor.  I had to grow not to complain about how much our life was consumed by fact I had made that the main thing and obliviously forgot about my relationship with Jesus.  Thank God for his grace!  Through His patience with me coming through his word, I was able to gain the revelation that I needed to refocus!  But even then He still did not forget about my works.  Because of my diligence and commitment to ministry, he has now allowed me the opportunity to share the gifts that he has given me. It's amazing the doors that have been...


So much has happened in the last month!  I don't even know where to begin.  But I know exactly when it started...December 17th @ Roman Aposotlic Church in Columbus.  I went to support my Asst. Pastor because she was to render a few songs.  I didn't know that it was a prayer revival.  See God knows what you need and when you need it.  Well the object of the service was to place your prayers on a request form and lay it at the alter.  I hesitated for about 45 mins before I reluctantly decided to go ahead with my attitude was sceptical because I felt that all the things I needed, that I could go to God for myself.  But I was to the end of myself and needed a complete mindset change.  I repented of my attitude and walked to the alter for prayer and Jesus met me there and I can tell you that I rose with expectancy in my heart.   From then on Jesus has been answering prayers for me! I mean I have been checking off my request ...